Trademark Hearing

Trademark Hearing Board

-Trademark hearing in departmental proceedings
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Trademark Hearing Board

inner choose imgA Trademark Hearing Board is a formal proceeding conducted by the Trademarks Registry to address concerns, objections, or queries raised during the examination of a trademark application. It offers a chance for the applicant to present arguments, clarifications, and evidence to address objections and advance the application in the registration process.

A Trademark Hearing Board may be necessitated by various objections, and three common categories include objections under Section 9, Section 11, and formalities:

A trademark hearing is for removing the objections raised under Trademark Registration. The chances for trademark objection are high nowadays. A Trademark Hearing Board is nothing but an appearance before the registrar of trademarks or any senior examiner. It happens only if the department is not satisfied with the reply filed in the objection. The hearing could be either in person or through a Trademark agent or Trademark attorney.

The applicant needs to file a reply for any such objection within 30 days from the date of issuance of the examination report against the objections raised by the Department under section 9 or/and 11 of the Trademarks Act, which are absolute grounds of refusal and relative grounds of refusal respectively. The examiner goes through the reply and read all the submissions made therein. It is at the discretion of the examiner whether to accept the submissions/defense of the reply filed. If unsatisfied with the reply filed, the examiner changes the status of the mark to “Ready for show cause hearing” and thereafter, issues a hearing notice mentioning the hearing date on it. The hearing usually takes place between 8 to 12 months post issuance of the hearing notice, depending upon the work load of the respective department.

A Trademark Hearing Board could be conducted at the stage of pre-publication of the mark in journal or post-publication of the mark in journal at the opposition stage. The hearing notice usually comes in the registered email of the applicant, but still It is important to track your trademark online to prevent it from getting abandoned.

Documents require for Trademark Hearing Board

Power of Attorney

Affidavit of usage

Evidences of usage

OPC Compliance

Procedure for Trademark Hearing

Why is a Trademark Hearing Board Necessary?

A trademark hearing is necessary for several reasons. First and foremost, it allows the trademark office to thoroughly examine the trademark application and identify any potential conflicts with existing trademarks. Additionally, a hearing provides an opportunity for interested parties to oppose the registration of a trademark if they believe it may cause confusion with their own brand. In this way, a trademark hearing helps protect the rights of existing trademark holders and prevents consumer confusion in the marketplace.

Significance of Trademark Hearing in India

To prevent the Trademark from being rejected or abandoned

If the applicant has responded to the examination report by submitting a trademark objection reply and the trademark examiner remains unsatisfied with the response, then the applicant must attend the hearing to provide additional justification. Failure to do so could lead to the Examiner rejecting or abandoning the trademark application.

It gives an opportunity for the submission of additional evidence or documents

When they conduct a trademark hearing, the applicant receives another chance to explain why their mark deserves registration and why the objection remarks should be dismissed by the Examiner. The applicant may also provide or submit any additional evidence or documents (if required) at the time of the hearing.

Registrar has the power to accept the trademark application with conditions, amendments, modifications, or limitations

In case the trademark examiner has objected to a trademark, then examining officer at the hearing shall still have the power to accept the trademark along with certain conditions/limitations/amendments/modifications.

Jurisdiction Of Trademark Hearing Board

The territorial jurisdiction for the trademark application and hearings is as follows:-

MUMBAI: The State of Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Goa

AHMEDABAD. : The State of Gujarat and Rajasthan and Union Territories of Daman, Diu, Dadra, and Nagar  Haveli.

KOLKATA. : The State of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Orissa, West Bengal, Manipur. Mizoram, Meghalaya, Sikkim, Tripura, Jharkhand and Union Territories of Nagaland, Andaman & Nicobar Islands.

NEW DELHI. : The state of Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab, Haryana. Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Delhi and Union Territories of Chandigarh.

CHENNAI. : The state of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Kerala. Tamilnadu, Karnataka and Union Territories of Pondicherry and Lakshadweep Island.


Frequently Asked Questions

If the trademark examiner approves it, it will be advertised the same day and added to the list for journal publishing.

Five zones, each with a different state or union territory, make up the geographical jurisdiction for trademark applications and hearings.

The deadline for providing a response in the event that a Trademark Application is contested is one month after receiving the Examination Report. The Registrar/Examiner either accepts the trademark after reading the written reply or sets up a hearing for oral arguments.

A hearing notification is sent to the concerned agent, applicant, or attorney, informing them of the application number and hearing date. Usually, 15 days prior to the hearing, a notice of the hearing is sent. Additionally, the only thing that a Trademark show cause hearing entails is a face-to-face appointment with the Registrar of Trademarks.

If you have two owners or joint ownership, you may trademark your product or idea. There may be multiple trademark owners. If two or more parties want to jointly control and own a trademark, that trademark may be registered. A mutually recognised trademark must be utilised to enhance or market goods or services, just like any other trademark.

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